The National Student House in Sofia is the place where we have our rehearsals. This building has been like a second home to us since the beginning of the ensemble in 1957. Our favourite spot is hall 304. Inside, we are dancing, rehearsing, laughing and even crying sometimes(happy tears, of course). It brings smiles and warm memories. Every time we cross the threshold, it gives us promises that we will continue to make friends and bring about happiness. For these reasons, we decided to make it look more like an AFA place. We cleaned everything, bought some glass cupboards and we put inside a small part of the ensemble’s rich history. We hung some pictures on the walls and put our logo on the door.
In this way, our dance hall was transformed into a real home – you go inside and you can see and feel that AFA is not just a folklore ensemble. It’s so much more. It’s a family with a history and soul.